Monday, May 6, 2013

Fort Collins Letter #8

This week has been a little discouraging, but it's given my companion and I an opportunity to regroup and focus on what we can do to improve and to branch out and try some new things. We have some exciting new (pretty bold) tracting approaches to try out and we've been reading Jesus The Christ by Talmage (Thanks Trent!!) during part of our study time and it is amazing. Everybody should read this book and have a dictionary handy. It has really helped me to better understand the time in which Christ was on the earth and led to an increased faith in Him as my Savior. Knowledge is power. However, that being said, what good is knowledge if you don't share it. Increasing my understanding of Christ has helped me to better explain what He did for each one of us. Not because I share all that I've learned, but because I can explain it more simply than I did before. 

I also had the opportunity of studying 2 Nephi 4 this morning. In short, Nephi offers up his heart to Heavenly Father, recognizes his weaknesses, and asks for strength. It was comforting to realize that we all (should and need to) rely on Heavenly Father, even the prophets then and the prophet now. We are all human, and only through relying on Him can we accomplish more than we could on our own. We have to ask for it though, as Nephi clearly promises in one of the last verses of that chapter. 

Let me tell you, Heavenly Father answers prayers through scripture study. 

I love you and hope you have a fantastic week!

Sister Rashauna Hoer

PS: Talk to you soon :)  I'll be calling for Mother's Day at 7 p.m. Colorado time!

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